Event - steps on
how to approve an event.
Event - steps on how to approve an event.
Links: approve,
modify, or reject
an event, Fast Track Approval
5. Click the
Approve button to accept
the event. The system generates an email notifying the Requester
that the event has been approved. The event appears in the
VCU Events Calendar.
6. A window displays confirming
the event was approved.
7. Click on the List
of Events to Review link.
| Next
5. Click the Reject
button. A prompt displays requesting the reason for rejecting
the event. From the menu, select a reason for rejecting
the event or enter another reason in the field provided.
The reason provided appears in the email
notification sent to the Requester notifying them why
the event was rejected.
NOTE: If you do
not want to reject the event, click the Do
Not Reject Event button. The Event Review summary
page displays again. Click the Back
to Search List button to return to the Reviewer
Calendar Management window.
6. To reject the event, click
the Reject Event button.
A confirmation box displays. Click OK
to confirm to reject the event. If you do not want to reject
the event, click Cancel, then
click the Do Not
Reject Event button
and return to the Event Review summary page.
7. If you clicked OK,
a window displays confirming the event was rejected. Return
to the List of Events to Review
and continue processing events.