Warning: Fast
Track Approval can only be used when the Reviewer is certain
events meet acceptance criteria.
Reviewers must be certain that
events must meet the following acceptance criteria:
- VCU sponsored event
- the facility has been properly
- the event does not already
exist in the calendar
- proper VCU
- no spelling errors
To approve multiple events
without previewing the Event Review summary:
1. Login to the Calendar Manager.
The Reviewer Calendar Management window displays a list
of all pending/modified events by default.
NOTE: The URL is events.vcu.edu/manager

2. Click the check box next
to each event to approve. (In the example below, the Reviewer
knows that her office assistant submitted these two events
for the Forum Room and these events already meet acceptance
criteria. These events can be approved using Fast Track

NOTE: To review and approve
events individually, learn more about approving
events. To approve a previously rejected, canceled,
or deleted event, learn more about changing
event status.
3. Next, click the Approve
button above the check box column. The events appear in
the VCU Events Calendar and the system generates an email
notification notifying each Requester that their event
has been approved.

4. A window displays confirming
the Fast Track Approval, listing each event that was approved.
Return to the List of Events to
Review and continue processing events, or to
the VCU Home page. To
quit the Calendar Manager, close the browser window.
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