Reviewer Calendar Management
The Reviewer Calendar
Management window is the center of events management functionality.
As the Reviewer, you can approve,
modify, reject,
cancel, and delete
events submitted through the VCU Events Calendar. The Reviewer
also has the option to approve multiple events using Fast
Track Approval.
on the thumbnail of the
Reviewer Calendar Management
window for a detailed view with
callouts and descriptions.
Tip: If you are responsible
for reviewing many events, using the Reviewer Calendar Management
window saves time processing events and eliminates repetitive
login when attempting to manage events via email notifications.
About Email
When an event is
submitted to the Events Calendar, the system generates an
email notification that is sent to an assigned Reviewer.
The email contains a link to the event needing review. Click
the link, login to Calendar Manager, and the event displays
in the Event Review window with options to approve, modify,
or reject that event. For more information on how to review
and process events through email notifications, view the
Quick Start.
Event Status