The Reviewer Calendar Management
window is the center of events management functionality.
As the Reviewer, you can approve, modify, reject, cancel,
and delete events submitted through the VCU Events Calendar.
You can change an event's status (for example: approve a
previously rejected event). You can find a specific event
using the browser's Find feature. You can view an individual
event or a list of events by status (pending, accepted,
modified, rejected, canceled, deleted, and archived).
Topic List
Event(s) - tutorials on how to approve, modify, reject,
cancel, delete, and Fast Track Approval of events.
Event Status - tutorial on how to change an event's
status (for example: approve a previously rejected event).
Find Event
- tutorial on how to find a specific event using the browser's
Find feature.
View Event(s)
- tutorial on how to view a single event, a list of events
by status (pending/modified, accepted, rejected, canceled,
deleted, and archived), or a list of all current events.
Building Review List
Printing Events